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Active Wallpaper for Windows 95/98/NT By CloudEight Internet Designs
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What are "Active Screens" Active Screens are actually desktop wallpapers that are active. It may be scrolling, you may see snow falling, or any number of different effects. We try to mix them up :-) Who can use Active Screens? Anyone using Windows 95/98 with Internet 4x or higher installed (regardless of their default browser or email program) with Active Desktop enabled, can use Active Screens. What are the system requirements? We recommend that you have at least 48 MB RAM and a 200 MHz Pentium (or equivalent processor). The more RAM and the faster processor you have the better our Active Screens will run. Will you be adding more Active Screens? Of course! We plan on continually adding new Active Screens. We will include announcements of new Active Screens along with new CloudEight Stationery and screensavers in our mailings to our free mail list. If your not a subscriber please take a moment and subscribe now so we can keep you up-to-date on all our new products. Are all your Active Screens Free? Yes. Like all our stationery and our free screen savers, CloudEight believes that the web is a place to share. If you're interested in custom stationery, custom screen savers, or custom desktop wallpaper or Active Screens, we would be happy to create them for you for a nominal fee. Do you provide e-mail support for Active Screens? Yes, but only if you have Active Desktop enabled. If you have a problem enabling Active Desktop and Microsoft's help included with Windows 95/98 does not provide the solution, you'll have to write to Microsoft to obtain help on getting your Active Desktop set up. But, we will help you get our Active Screens running properly on your Active Desktop if you should need help. Don't forget to visit our Active Screens help page. It will help you set up your new CloudEight Active Screens desktop wallpaper quickly and easily!
Web Page Design by CloudEightInternet Designs
All Stationery Designs are copyright �1999-2000 by CloudEight Internet Designs
And CloudEight Stationery
This page was last updated: Monday, January 06, 2020