Welcome to Cloudeight Information Avenue Members Forum!
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Just a reminder that you should bookmark the forum page if you wish to return to it often. You might find it a valuable resource if everyone participates. We hope you'll take advantage of this new feature of Information Avenue, share your knowledge with thousands of other readers, and ask questions if you need help. Remember though, Eightball and I will not be answering questions on a regular basis, but we will be monitoring this forum. Therefore any help you get from this forum is strictly 'AS IS' . We won't be responsible for the accuracy of anything on this forum. This is for you to use and enjoy. We may stop in at times and try offer input or say HI.  Have fun!

This forum belongs to you. Its success depends on you. You're welcome to ask questions, to answer questions, to share your tips and tricks, or just make a comment. This is your forum. Have fun!

If you are new to forums, its really easy to use! Just click "New Topic" to enter a new message, question or comment/subject. If you want to respond to a Subject that is being discussed, click that subject and click "reply" to offer input, comments, etc. 

You can even check that you want to be notified by email when someone answers your post!