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Cloudeight Information Avenue - January 2009

The Disturbing Tale of Windows Live Mail
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Windows Live Mail is sloppy attempt by Microsoft to make money from your email. Windows Live Mail is a software bundler and a hijacker. It attempts to bundle applications you don't want and probably don't need with its Windows Live Mail program -Windows Live Mail is set to replace your personal email program (Outlook Express/Windows Mail) in the next version of Windows - Windows 7. Windows Live Mail is an accident waiting to happen. It's all about what Microsoft wants (MONEY) and has nothing to do with what you want or what's best for you.

Read our thoughts about Windows Live Mail - and spread the word. Tell your friends too.

Microsoft "Bundling"
We had to manually uncheck every box highlighted in yellow -to prevent Windows Live Mail from installing a bunch of programs we didn't want and didn't need. An honest way to have done this would have been to leave the boxes unchecked and let you decide what you wanted to install. But, Microsoft knows that most people ignore these installation dialogs and will proceed without reading by clicking "Install".

Microsoft's Hijacking Attempt
Microsoft is hoping you'll be in hurry to install its software and leave the boxes (highlighted in yellow) checked. Thereby switching your home page to MSN and your search provider from whatever it is to MSN. We manually unchecked these boxes. On one of our installations, unchecking these boxes didn't mean much. Our home page was switched from http://thundercloud.net/start/ to MSN. We had to manually switch it back. An honest way to have done this would have been to leave these boxes unselected and allow the user to check the boxes if he or she wanted to switch providers or home pages. Again, Microsoft knows, as do most software developers, that most people don't read installation dialogs.

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