Adding Helpful Information To You Files
Windows XP Home and Pro (NTFS file system only)
As times goes along you gather a lot of files on your computer. Sooner, or
later, if you're like us, you're going to forget what some of them are. Here is
way that will help you identify those files in the future. And you can add
whatever information you think might make it easy for you to identify files no
matter how much time has passed since you last looked at them.
1. Select a folder on your system that contains the files you want to identify.
2.. Under View make certain that you set it to the Details.
3.. Highlight the file you want to add more information to and then right-click
it - you will get a pop up menu. Now click on properties.
4.. Click on the Summary Tab (make sure it says simple not advanced on the
button in the box), You should now get the following fields,
Title, Subject, Author, Category, Keywords, Comments
If, for example,
you have several photographs of your daughter's 16th birthday - you could
identify each - what it is, what it's a picture of, and so on. You can even
add comments like "this one is too dark and needs work".
6. After you
finished click the apply button then OK.
To see how this
works -
7. Right-click on
the bar above your files, (under the address bar) and you will get a drop
down menu. Click the fields you want to display. Now you should see any
information you added including any comments you have made. You can sort all
files in this folder by "Subject", "Category" "Author" etc.
Pretty cool, eh?
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