Refuses To Buy Online
With all the data and identity theft, I absolutely refuse to use my credit card online. I
am not willing to take that risk until online merchants can prove to me that my
information is safe. I understand there are many who don't feel like I do. Maybe you guys
can shed some light on why you think people should buy online in light of the problems and
identity theft that seems so prevalent these days. I trust your opinion and I really like
your newsletters. Thanks, Steve.
Thank you, Steve. First let's touch on "Identity Theft". It is a
problem, we agree. But it has nothing to do with security breaches or buying online. It
has to do with phishing scams and people just not using common sense. If you receive an
email that appears to be from a credit card company, financial institution, or other
company seeking your personal information (name, address, social security number, credit
card numbers, date of birth, etc.) the first thing you should do is be very skeptical. We
cannot think of one single financial institution who would ask this sort of information in
an email. And secondly - If you receive an email that appears to be from a credit card
company or other financial institution that begins "Dear Customer", "Dear
Credit Card Holder", "Dear Valued Member"...stop and think. Would a company
address you in this way if they were going to ask for you personal information? No. The
best thing to do if you're not sure is logon to the site by typing in the URL yourself in
CLICK A LINK IN A LETTER LIKE THIS! If you get a letter from, let's say, Citibank,
and you're not sure if it's authentic, then open your browser, type in and contact them directly. Or, if you
prefer, call the financial institution. It's better to be safe than sorry. Identities are
most often "given away" as these types of email trick people into giving their
personal info away - Identities are rarely stolen.
Let us try to, as best we can,
dispel the perceived risks of using a credit card online. Let's say you're shopping at
your favorite retailer, you're ready to check out. You hand your credit card to the
cashier and she/he swipes it through the reader. Then you sign your name and you're on
your way. On your way home, you decide to stop for a nice dinner. You splurge and enjoy a
great lobster dinner, a bottle of Chateau De Morinz and then your realize you don't have
$225.00 to pay the bill. You're not worried, though. You have plastic. You hand the credit
card to your waiter and he takes it to the cashier and he swipes it through the reader.
Now your credit card has passed through the hands of at least two people. You're trusting
them that your credit card information is not being copied and saved somewhere. Right? The
waiter, returns your card to you and you conclude your evening full and broke :-). But,
we're betting that neither time you used your credit card you gave the slightest thought
to the security in place when you were using it. After all, you weren't puchasing
"online" were you?
When your credit card is swiped through a magnetic reader the data is being transmitted
via the Internet to a database on the Internet, checked against that database, verified
and approved or not, in matter of a few seconds. The database is online, your credit card
number was entered online and your transaction completed online. Online banking, rapidly
becoming widely popular, means that your bank account information (even if you don't avail
yourself of the convenience of online banking) is stored online.
The fact is with today's SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) and encryption techniques, your data
is very safe online. Encryption techniques used today ensure that a different encryption
key is used for each transaction, it's randomly chosen from millions of possible
combinations. It's quite
fascinating to learn how it's done. PayPal uses the most modern security techniques
and this is typically how all major credit card processing centers are set up. You can
read about PayPal's security by clicking here
and you'll get a good idea of how it all works and why it's so safe. You can tell when
you're on a secure server as the "http://" changes to "https://" .
More facts: Most credit card companies won't make you pay a cent if your card was used
fraudulently for an online purchase. That tells us they're very confident that the
safeguards in effect today are excellent. Credit card companies are not in the business of
losing money. The security breaches you hear about online are not breaches which involve
individual transaction, rather they involve entire databases which have been compromised
because these "storage" facilities' security isn't up to snuff. You hardly ever
hear of an individual institution being breached. Security breaches happen rarely and when
they have happened in the past they have mostly involved third-party data storage
facilities which offer a service to financial institutions. Recently these types of data
storage centers have come under intense government scrutiny both in the United States and
in other countries.
So, whether you actually purchase online or you buy something at your local retailer with
a credit card, your credit card data is being stored and transmitted over the Internet. In
short: You're buying online whether you buy from your local grocery store or from We personally feel more comfortable buying online than we do handing our
credit-card to some underpaid clerk in a local gas station. And that's our take on buying

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