Dinosaur Cursors and Pointers and More
One day we were exploring the control panel and decided to see what options
were available under the "mouse" icon. What we discovered were some
excellent alternatives to the standard "arrow" pointers and "hourglass" wait
icon. This tip shows you how to quickly and easily change all your pointers
and cursors in Windows XP.
So if you are tired of seeing the same old mouse pointers all the time
(hourglass, arrow, etc.) Windows XP offers a lot of of really nice pointer
schemes, such as Conductor, Dinosaur, Old Fashioned many others! If you use
the "Category View" Control Panel, select Appearance and Themes, then click
Mouse Pointers under "See Also." on the left. Next to Schemes, click the
down arrow and select a scheme to preview its pointers. If you use the
"Classic View" Control Panel, double-click Mouse, and select the Pointers
tab. Click OK to apply the scheme to your desktop. You can easily revert
back to the Windows default pointer scheme by selecting "Default" from the
above dialogs. If you want to see the dialog and a sample of a "Pointer
Scheme" please click here. This also works in Windows 2000 as well.
We're kind of partial to the Dinosaur pointer scheme, can you tell?
you see advertised around the Web.
They're almost always spyware/adware or worse.

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