Kind Of A Drag
Outlook Express 5 and 6
Windows 98/ME/NT and Windows XP Home & Professional

Scenario: You've just received several emails from a family member with several priceless photographs attached. You want to save these several emails on a flash drive, CD-ROM or a another folder on your Desktop.

Solution: Create a folder on your desktop and give it a descriptive name. (To create a folder on your desktop, right-click and open area of your desktop - i.e. one with no icons- and select "New" - from the drop down menu- and choose "Folder". Then give it a name that is descriptive - i.e. one that won't leaving you scratching your head next year wondering what the heck is in it. Now, Open Outlook Express so you can see the folder containing the emails you want to save and resize the Outlook Express window small enough so that you can see your new folder on your desktop. Highlight the emails) you wish to save and right-click and drag them to the folder you just created on your desktop. When your cursor is over the folder release the mouse button and choose "Copy Here". Now the emails that you selected are copied as EML files (which can be opened by Outlook Express) into your new folder. You can now copy your new folder to CD-ROM or Flash Drive. Plus, you'll still have your new folder containing the emails on your desktop - or you can move the folder to My Documents (or any other location on your hard drive) and you can access it anytime without opening your Outlook Express simply by clicking on any of the EML files within. And, you can share any of the EML files in that folder by right-clicking one and choosing "Send To" and selecting "Mail Recipient". Outlook Express will open with the EML file attached and all you have to do is type in the recipient's address and send it.

This is a great way to save a just a few special emails. It is not a practical way to back up all of your messages. For that, we suggest a program like our own Email Backup Guardian. Guardian backs up all email messages, your folder structure, account settings, preferences, rules, blocked senders list, I.E. Favorites, settings and more.

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