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F4? What For?
(Internet Explorer 5 & 6, Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP)

Click F4 while your browser is open and the last 25 addresses you have typed out in your address bar will show!  Place your cursor in the address bar and hit the F4 key. Now, use your up/down arrow key to scroll to the one you want to go to. Yes, clicking the little arrow to the right of the address bar does the same thing, but sometimes it is nice not to have to leave your keyboard and use your mouse.

And, for closing those nasty little popup windows that don't have any obvious way to close them (or to avoid getting tricked into clicking "Close" and downloading Spyware or adware) use the ALT key + the F4 key to close the window in focus (the one "on top").


Use MSCONFIG To Control Windows Start-up
(Windows 98, ME, and Windows XP)

Click start, run and type in MSCONFIG and hit enter. Click the Startup tab at the top. Being careful not to remove the check marks next to your anti-virus, any installed 3rd party firewall products or Windows systems apps. Untick the boxes next to programs that don't need to be starting up with Windows. Examples of programs that don't need to start with Windows are photo editors, chat programs, file sharing programs, MS Office Applications, RealOne Player, mail programs, printer software, scanner software, et

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