Linda-Lee Asks About File Associations
Your newsletter is so helpful and I have recommended to many people. I had saved some e-mails with Microsoft PowerPoint slide shows (best pics for 2006, etc.) and was previously able to open them. Now I get the message "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options Control panel." I have made sure that I have free PowerPoint read download installed but still can't open these PowerPoint attachments recently. Can you help? Thanks.

Our Answer
When you install a program it normally creates as file association of file types to be associated with it. To see a list of all registered file types, open Windows Explorer or any folder window (including My Computer). Choose View, Folder Options and then click the File Types tab. Windows displays a list like this one.

Windows enables you to associate only one program with each action for each file type. In most cases, if two applications claim the right to edit or open a given file type, the one you installed most recently will claim that file type as its own. Sometimes associations are changed or lost all together. You have two options. You should try the first one first as it usually will correct the problem:

1. Reinstall the original program—The setup process typically edits the Windows Registry and adjusts file associations. If the setup program was written correctly, you will not lose any custom settings or data.

2. Edit the file type directly—To re-associate the file type with the correct program - follow these steps:

Open Windows Explorer or any folder window (including My Computer) and choose View, Folder Options. Click on the File Types tab.

Find the Microsoft Power Point file type (PPS, PPT) . Click the Browse button. In the dialog box that appears, find and select the executable (EXE) file for the Free PowerPoint Viewer you have installed then click Open.

The filename you selected now appears in the Application Used to Perform Action text box. Click OK to close the Editing Action dialog box and save your change.

You can use the same procedure to associate or re-associate file types with the program of your choice.

In your case, we'd suggest you try option #1; this should correct your problem without any additional actions on your part.

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