Virginia Just Can't Get Her Internet Explorer To Open "Full Size"
I have learned most all I know about
the PC from you. Still cannot figure out how to make my screen open up to
maximum size, tried everything you have said. I have to hit the box _ every time
I open my start page, etc. You are my
start page and LOVE it.
Our Answer
Thanks for your nice comments, Virginia. We appreciate you using our
Start Page. It does help us a great
The default behavior for Internet Explorer is to open at the same size it was at the last time it was closed. While the default does apply in many cases it's not always consistent. Try the following workaround:
- Open a single Internet Explorer window to the smaller size.
- Drag the corners of the window until it completely fills the screen. Do not use the maximize button to enlarge the window.
- Hold down the Ctrl key, and while holding it down use the mouse to click File and then Exit on the toolbar. NOTE: Do not use the "X" in the upper right corner to close the window.
- Internet Explorer should now open in a full window.
- If it still opens to a smaller size repeat the above but this time us the "Shift" key instead of the "Ctrl" key.
One of these workarounds should solve your problem.
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