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Groupie! Setting Up Groups In Outlook Express We've created a quick Web tutorial to show you exactly how to set up a "Group" or multiple "Groups" in Outlook Express. Click here to see our Tutorial. Silly Kid! Carets Are For Rabbits! Cleaner, more beautiful emails made easy! (Outlook Express All Versions) Who likes carets, besides bunnies and other critters? Seriously, carets are those irritating >>> that are inserted by email programs in replies and forwards. But, you can stop Outlook Express from adding MORE carets to the already caret-infested email. Then at least you won't be part of the caret problem. And those vertical lines in HTML email that keep piling up on reply and forwarding aren't too keen either. So, as a public duty to encourage nice clean, caret-free plain text emails, and nice looking HTML messages without that vertical line in the reply, we present to you two Cloudeight tutorials!
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leave the carets to the rabbits and prevent caret patches in your email - Click
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