One of
Our TOP Freeware Picks Of The Week 2006
Mail Pass View V1.2
Do you have several email accounts? Would you like to be able to print out your
passwords for them so you don't forget them the next time you get a new computer
or Heaven forbid! you have to format your hard drive and start all over? This is
the program for you! Mail Pass View will allow you to see all your mail
passwords (the ones behind the ********) and print them out for safe keeping.
It's one of our favorites and one that has saved us a lot of time and trouble
over the years.
Here is the author's description:
"Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and
other account details for the following email clients:
Outlook Express
Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3
and SMTP Accounts only)
Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003
(POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts)
Netscape 6.x/7.x
Mozilla Thunderbird
Group Mail Free
Yahoo! Mail - If the password
is saved in Yahoo! Messenger application.
Hotmail/MSN mail - If the
password is saved in MSN Messenger application.
Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail
Notifier application.
For each email account, the following
fields are displayed: Account Name, Application, Email, Server, Server Type
(POP3/IMAP/SMTP), User Name, and the Password...."
Click here to learn more about and/or download our freeware program of the
week: Mail PassView V1.20 .
Important Notice: Some anti-spyware and firewall programs might tag this as
a "Trojan" which it is not. Unfortunately, some system security programs
cannot tell the difference between a legitimate program which a user
installs and runs intentionally and a "Trojan" which is planted on a
computer without the user's knowledge and runs furtively in the background.
If you're security software tags this program as any sort of malware or
Trojan, you might want to write to your security software's developer and
report it as a false positive. Programs such as "Mail Pass View" seek out
passwords on your computer and provide you with a list of passwords. This
program is made for you as the owner of your computer to gather passwords
and report them to you in several formats. It is not made to "sniff out"
passwords and report them to anyone other than you.
Registry Mechanic
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