Another "Free" Smiley Program
Windows 98 through Windows XP

Another Free Smiley Program?
All Computer Users - All Windows Operating Systems

Another new "free" Smiley program has burst upon the scene backed by a huge advertising budget and apparently a group of people who can't wait to get their stuff on your computer. This one is called "MailSkinner" and it's as bad or worse than the other so-called "free" smiley programs. In fact, there's indications that this one might not only be spyware and adware but also contain a privacy-stealing trojan as well. There's no end to these clowns who prey upon the gullible and ruin computers and threaten privacy. And there is, apparently no end to the people who believe in Santa Claus and the "free lunch".

Beware MailSkinner - here's what McAfee has to say about it:

From McAfee AntiVirus

Type Trojan
SubType Spyware
Discovery Date 12/02/2005
Length Varies Minimum DAT 4642 (12/02/2005)
Updated DAT 4712 (03/07/2006)

Once running on the victim machine, OESkinner.dll will be hooked to all running processes, and axsetup.dll will be hooked to iexplore.exe. This is a trojan detection. Unlike viruses, trojans do not self-replicate. They are spread manually, often under the premise that they are beneficial or wanted. The most common installation methods involve system or security exploitation, and unsuspecting users manually executing unknown programs. Distribution channels include email, malicious or hacked web pages, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), peer-to-peer networks, etc.

MailSkinner.dll Win32.Skintrim.E (CA)
This detection is for a remote access trojan written in Visual C++.

Installation - Upon execution, the trojan installs itself into the %ProgramFiles%\MailSkinner\  directory as MailSkinner.exe, OESkinner.dll, and OLSkinner.dll and installs in the %windows%\system32\ the following files: msegcompid.dll, msclock32.jpg and axsetup.dll

In addition, after installing itself, the trojan will try to contact (URL Changed to protect our readers) to check if there is any new version.

Symptoms: Once running on the victim machine, OESkinner.dll will be hooked to all running processes, and axsetup.dll will be hooked to iexplore.exe.

Method of Infection
Trojans do not self-replicate. They are spread manually, often under the premise that the executable is something beneficial. Distribution channels include IRC, peer-to-peer networks, newsgroup postings, email, etc.

So another company has decided that they're going to get rich preying on the trust and gullibility of those who really think these kinds of companies are altruistic and these kinds of programs are "free".

And, while this malware program is new there's already over 11,000 references to MailSkinner as spyware on Google. We just wanted to give you a heads up to steer clear of MailSkinner and any other so-called "free" Smiley program. These companies are all out to make money and they're all out to take advantage of you and your computer. Don't fall for it.

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