Jerry Wants Outlook Express Back!
I tried another mail program and use it once in a while, but now it made itself the
default mail program! I want Outlook Express to be my default mail program when I send
mail from other programs or the web. Help!! Thanks, Jerry
Jerry: here is the easiest way to do that: Click Start, then click Run. Copy this line in
the "Run" window: "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" /reg
(use copy/paste to do this so it is exactly the same with the quotation marks and
Or, you can open Outlook Express, choose Tools, then Options, then General. At the bottom
of this window, click "Make Default" where it says "This application is the
default Mail handler." If this button is grayed out, it means OE is already your
default mail program.
This tip is especially useful for those of you who install or update any Microsoft Office applications. Installing Microsoft Office or installing updates or patches for Microsoft Office, always changes your default mail program to Microsoft Outlook. While Microsoft Outlook is supposedly better than Outlook Express, for the vast majority of our readers, Outlook is overkill and has less user-friendly features than Outlook Express. Unless you really need a quick and easy interface between your email program and the programs in Microsoft Office then you're going to much better off using Outlook Express - especially if you like nice stationery or sending sounds and other multi-media files embedded in your email.