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Sound Advice For Sound Problems

One thing that perplexes many users is that they can hear the sounds on their computer just fine but they cannot hear music on Web sites like our "Name That Tune" contest page. The reason for this is: Sounds that programs make on your computer are, for the most part, WAV files. WAV files are real recorded sounds. MIDI "Music", like that on our "Name That Tune" contest page are MIDI files, which are not real recorded sounds. Instead, Midis are synthesized sounds which more or less sound like musical instruments. Which means the same devices and drivers needed to hear WAV files are not the same ones that you need to hear MIDI sounds. Both types of sounds, of course, require you to have a sound card and speakers.

How to Get your Midi Sound Files to Play!

Lets find out if you can hear sound at all. Click here to see if you can hear sound.  If you do not, then it means the sound problem is an issue on your system and the following will assist you in getting back your sound.  Keep in mind there are two main types of sound files used on the web, "mid or midi" and "wav" files. Just because you can hear one, does not mean you can hear the other. That is why some people think they can hear sound at some websites, and not at others.

We can advise the following; keep in mind that our music is simple mid files which are web universal. Always do a reboot and test sound first though!

1. Check speaker volume and sound settings (click the yellow horn in the bottom right of your screen and make sure the midi volume is turned up)

2. Sometimes your browser, because of other programs you've installed (like QuickTime or REALONE AKA Realplayer) or other programs that change default file association with MIDI format, will lose its ability to play midi music (the type of music found on our site and many others) automatically. Since Outlook Express uses Internet Explorer to play music and render HTML content, it's important that you can hear music, particularly MID format (MIDI sounds) when you're browsing the Web. If you cannot hear them in your browser then you will not hear them in your Outlook Express emails either. You can correct this problem quite easily by downloading and reinstalling the latest version of Windows Media Player. The newest version of Windows Media Player for your operating system can be found by clicking the following link: . Even though you may already have Windows Media Player installed, if you've installed QuickTime or REALONE (Realplayer) these programs will take the MIDI association away from Windows Media Player. You need to reinstall Windows Media Player and make sure you allow it to re-associate itself with MID (Midi) extensions. Make sure after you do this that you do not allow QuickTime or REALONE (Realplayer) to associate with MID format.

3.  Having problems after installing Windows Me? Check your settings by going to Start, Settings, Control Panel.  Choose "Sounds and Multimedia" and make sure there is a midi device chosen. Click here for a picture to help guide you.

4.  Having problems after installing Windows XP? Check your settings by going to Start, Control Panel.  Choose "Sounds, Speech and Audio Devices" and then choose "Sound and Audio Devices."  Click the "Audio" tab in the popup window, and look near the bottom.  Be sure that "Microsoft Synth" is chosen as the Midi Device!  Click here for a picture to help guide you.

5. It could be a corrupt file with your Internet Explorer/Outlook Express. You can try the repair feature (Internet Explorer 5x only) for this; instructions on this can be found on our FAQ page. Many people get corrupt installations because they do not turn off all running programs when setting up Internet Explorer/Outlook Express; Microsoft recommends you turn all programs off while installing updates including anti-virus protection programs.

6. If you continue to have problems, You can either try a reinstall of windows (others have said this worked for well for them), or you will have to contact your computer dealer or your sound card manufacturer.

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midi device settings
in this example, the TBS Montego is the sound card, and MIDI is chosen where the dark blue area shows.

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sound settings
In this example, instead of choosing the sound card on your system, choose Microsoft Synth as shown in dark blue.

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