Internet Explorer Tip
(Windows 98/ME/NT/2000 and Windows XP Home, Media, and Professional with Internet
Explorer 6 Installed)
The Favorites Folder Is Not Just For Web Site addresses!
The Favorites Folder is not just for saving Web Site addresses! You can add links to your favorite pictures to your Favorites too! Instead of downloading a picture you can save the location of the picture in your Favorites folder. Just right click on the picture and choose "Add to Favorites." Now look in your Favorites list, and you will see it listed. This would be a nice tip if you come across several pictures that you might want to use later for a project or a desktop wallpaper. Store some picture locations in your Favorites folder the next time your browsing around the Web - then when you're ready to change your wallpaper, or start that big project, go through the image links you've added to favorites and choose the ones you like and save them to your computer.
Hint: If you're planning on saving lots of image location links from multiple browsing sessions, you might want to store them in your Favorites in their own folder. This is easy to do too! After you right-click the image and choose "Add to Favorites" you'll see the dialog below. Simply choose "New Folder" give it a name like "Images" (how creative!) and click "Add".
Try it on our latest Wallpaper Gallery (#24) and see how nicely this tip works!