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How To Request A Read Receipt In response to a question from Charlotte
In the Outlook Express Compose Window click "Tools" "Send A Read Receipt". Compose and send your message as you normally would. If your recipient agrees to your read receipt you will be notified by email when he/she has read it. Do not use Read Receipts when sending casual or friendly emails. Use Read Receipt only when you're sending important or time-sensitive information. Think of "Read Receipt" as "certified mail, return receipt requested". Use it sparingly. Move up to InfoAve Premium Edition - We hope you will join the thousands who have already made the switch. Our InfoAve Premium Newsletter contains almost three times more information than Information Avenue free edition, and no third party advertisements! Upgrade to InfoAve Premium right now! An InfoAve Premium Newsletter Subscription is only $11.95 per year, that's 52 great issues of news, tips, tricks, and features you can really use. Subscribe today, and save 50% on our new super Premium E-book ! All content is copyright ©2005 Cloudeight Internet LLC |
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