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Super-size It! Extra Large Icons In Windows XP
Windows XP Home and Professional - Advanced User Tip
Warning- before trying this tip create a restore point. If you're not comfortable editing the Windows registry do not attempt this!

Windows XP has two settings for icons: normal and large. Normal icons are 32x32 and large icons are 48x48. Use these directions to get 128x128 super-sized 32-bit icons.

Open registry editor (click Start/Run and type "REGEDIT" and hit Enter)

Navigate to - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
Change the following keys as shown:
IconSpacing = -2400
IconVerticalspacing = -2400
Shell Icon BPP = 32
Shell Icon Size = 128

Hint - Make sure you make a note of your settings before making the changes shown above just in case you want to reset your icon size back to normal.

Triple Play! Three Quick Tips
Windows All Versions

#1. Want to quickly see all the columns in Windows explorer without having to resize them individually? This tip does it for you. Simply press CTRL + + (press the plus key twice on the numeric keypad). This will adjust the column width so you can view the info in each column.

#2. Did you know that you can refresh web pages by simply pressing the F5 key on your keyboard?

#3. Quickly find Info. for a file/folder
      a. Highlight the folder
      b. Press "Alt + Enter"

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