÷ | Division sign | 0247 |
° | Degree symbol | 0176 |
¬ | Not symbol | 0172 |
± | Plus/minus | 0177 |
µ | Micro | 0181 |
© | Copyright symbol | 0169 |
® | Registered symbol | 0174 |
™ | Trademark | 0153 |
• | List Dot | 0149 |
§ | Section Symbol | 0167 |
– | en-dash | 0150 |
— | em-dash | 0151 |
¶ | Paragraph Symbol | 0182 |
¢ | Cent sign | 0162 |
£ | British Pound | 0163 |
€ | Euro currency | 0128 |
¥ | Japanese Yen | 0165 |
ƒ | Dutch Florin | 0131 |
Upside-down exclamation mark | 0161 |
¿ | Upside-down question mark | 0191 |
Ç, ç | French C cedilla (caps/lowercase) |
0199 0231 |
Œ,œ | O-E ligature (caps/lowercase) |
0140 0156 |
Œ,œ | O-E ligature (caps/lowercase) |
0140 0156 |
ß | German Sharp/Double S | 0223 |
Ø,ø | Nordic O slash (caps/lowercase) |
0216 0248 |
Å,å | Nordic A ring (caps/lowercase), Angstrom sign |
0197 0229 |
Æ, æ | A-E ligature (caps/lowercase) |
0198 0230 |
Þ, þ | Icelandic/Old English Thorn (caps/lowercase) |
0222 0254 |
« » | Spanish/French quotation marks |
0187 0171 |
There are many other symbols that can be created with the numeric keypad. These are some of the more popular ones.
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