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Make System Restore A Snap Advanced User Tip You can write a little script that will make using System Restore quicker and easier. After you've completed this "tip" you'll have a little script on your desktop that you can run before making changes to the registry, or installing a major program like an anti-virus, firewall, or anti-spyware program. That way, if anything goes awry, you'll be able to restore you computer to a time right-before you make the registry changes or installed the program. Here's how to create a script that will create a
restore point when you double-click it: Copy and paste only the text in "teal"
below to a notepad file and save it as instructed above. It only takes a few seconds to create a restore
point this way. And no dialogs are shown to confirm that a Restore Point was created. If
you did the script correctly, we assure you a restore point will be created when you
double-click the script. If you want to double-check you can click "Start"
"All Programs" "Accessories" "System Tools" "System
Restore" and click "Restore My Computer To An Earlier Time" . You'll see
the restore point you created (called "Before Changes") right there. Now be sure
to cancel out of System Restore. Help Support Our Site! Make our new Start page - Your new Start page! Click the start button
Move up to InfoAve Premium Edition - We hope you will join the thousands who have already made the switch. Our InfoAve Premium Newsletter contains almost three times more information than Information Avenue free edition, and no third party advertisements! Upgrade to InfoAve Premium right now! An InfoAve Premium Newsletter Subscription is only $11.95 per year, that's 52 great issues of news, tips, tricks, and features you can really use. Subscribe today, and save 50% on our new super Premium E-book ! All content is copyright ©2005 Cloudeight Internet LLC |
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