Turning Your
Email Folders Red First select a message that you want to be reminded to answer and move it (if you wish to another folder). Now highlight the message and click Message (on the toolbar) and select "Watch Conversation"
Now this is all fine and we all know how to make email change colors with message rules, but by "Watching" this message you not only turn the message red but whatever folder you put it in will turn red as well. This way you can't possibly forget about it can you?
As you can see above, the folder "Samples" turns red when I put the message being watched into it. This folder and message will both stay read until you uncheck "Watch Message". So be sure to uncheck "Watch Message" when you've answered it or you can just delete it when you've answered it if you wish. Now you should never forget about that important email you keep wanting to answer but never do. Now you have no excuse!
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