How To Remove
Windows Components Not in Add or Remove Programs
You can uninstall many Windows components using the Add or Remove
Programs feature in the Control Panel. Let's try it. Open
Control Panel from your Start Menu and click the Add/Remove Windows
Components button at left. MSN Messenger, however, is deliberately
hidden. There are several other "components" that Microsoft has chosen to
deliberately hide as well. Take control. We're going to show you how to
"unhide" these "Windows Components" and put you in charge of your computer.
Once you've "unhidden" them, you will be able to remove them from the Add or
Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel. Here's how you unhide those
"hidden" components. Please follow these instructions carefully!
In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Windows\Inf and make a copy of
the file Sysoc.inf. When you double-click Sysoc.inf, it will
automatically open in Notepad. Press Ctrl-H and replace the string
,hide, with ,, (that is two commas) and save the file as
Sysoc.inf. Now you'll find that all the hidden components appear in Add/
Remove Windows Components.
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Restore the Show Desktop Icon
We're going to show you how to restore this handy Quick Launch icon. Since
the "Show Desktop" icon isn't a normal shortcut if you lose it you can't
restore it like other icons. Have no fear. We're going to show you how to
get your "Show Desktop" icon back..
Open Notepad (click
START then RUN and type NOTEPAD.EXE and click ENTER).
When Notepad opens
- type these lines:
Save the file with the name "Show Desktop.scf", including the quotes, to the
folder C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application
Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch. Replace username (above) with
your actual user account name.
Just so you know,
there's another easy way to get back to your desktop quickly too, without
clicking anything but the keyboard. Just hit the Windows Key plus the "D"
key. A little Windows Key magic for you!
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