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Windows Tips, Tricks and Answers - Page 1

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Here are all our Windows tips, tricks and answers to frequently asked and/or interesting questions about Windows 98, ME, NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Since all of us want to keep our computers running at their peak and keep them safe too, the more we can learn about these beasts we call "computers" the better off we'll be. Keeping up-to-date with the latest updates is important, and ensuring that you have current and updated anti-virus and anti-spyware protection is a necessity if you spend any time at all on the Internet. But the best way to keep your computer safe, your personal information safe, and your computer running well is to learn all you can about your computer. To that end we dedicate these pages. Here are all our Windows tips, tricks and answers to your questions!

Our Windows Tips, Tricks and Answers


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Over 78% of all computers connected to the Internet have adware, spyware, or some other form of malware installed. Not only can these programs jeopardize your personal information and security then can ruin your computer eventually costing you hundreds of dollars in repairs. Most spyware/adware isn't installed secretly, most people actually download it and install it to get whatever "free" software was being advertise. While deceptive, most spyware and adware isn't installed surreptitiously but intentionally. It takes only a few minutes to scan your computer to see if you're one of the 78% who are infected with spyware/adware/malware. And removing these nefarious and system-clogging programs can save you hundreds of dollars down the road. So, why not scan your computer for free right now with award-winning Spyware Doctor - a Cloudeight endorsed and recommended software product.
Click here to learn more and to get your free Spyware Doctor scan.

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