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Windows XP Tutorial - The Wizard of Acc

Using The Accessibility Wizard
Windows XP Home or Professional

If you have trouble seeing things on the screen, hearing alerts, or using the keyboard or the mouse, the Accessibility Wizard is for you. And, for those who just want to mess around with the font sizes and icon sizes in the Windows display, this is an easy way to change both text size and icon sizes. And don't be afraid to experiment either. At the end of the Accessibility Wizard you'll have a chance to cancel any or all of the changes you've made along the way.

First to access the Accessibility Wizard, Click Start --> All Programs -->Accessories--->Accessibility--->Accessibility Wizard.

Once you've opened the Accessibility Wizard, you'll see the following dialog:

In the above dialog you have several options which you can choose based on what you wish to change. For this tutorial, we've chosen to change the font and icon sizes. Moving right along:

Here you have more options depending on what you want to do.

The next step is choosing the icon size you wish to use. If you're having trouble seeing or clicking on the normal size icons, just pick a larger size and click "Next>"

Sometimes using a high contrast color scheme is the answer to being able to see things better or make things like text and icons stand out better. While not the prettiest thing you've ever seen, function is often more important than form, right?

Next you'll have the option to choose different size and different color cursors. Again, some of these changes are not the most beautiful thing, but if it helps you with clicking and using your computer, beauty can best be saved for you walls :)

This dialog allows you to change the cursor blink rate and the cursor width. Self-explanatory, my dear Watson!

Now you're done and you can choose to save your changes or cancel any or all of the changes you've made. So, don't be afraid to mess around with the Accessibility Wizard because you'll always be given the option to cancel any changes you've made before they they take effect. And, don't forget too, the dialog windows you see, depends on which option you choose in the first dialog window. So take a peek at all the options. Even if you can see like the proverbial eagle, you just might find a change or two available in the Accessibility Wizard that can make your computing easier and more enjoyable. And it never hurts to learn what exactly it is that the Accessibility Wizard does either. The acquisition of knowledge is never a futile pursuit - and you can quote us on that!

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