If there's a group of people you e-mail frequently, you can gather all their names together under one entry (and name)My Contacts or My Family, for example. Then to send e-mail to everyone in the group, you simply type the group name in the To box when you write a message, and Outlook Express automatically sends the message to every single person on the list.
1. In the Address Book, click the New button, and
then click New Group. Select New Group option from the New button Type a name for the group as shown below. To add a person from your address book, click Select Members as shown below. Select members from your address book by highlighting them and clicking "Add", and repeat until you have everyone added that you want to add. If someone is not in your address book see the step below. To add a person to the group without adding the name to your address book, type the name and e-mail address as shown below, and then click the Add button. Now when you want to email this group of people, all you have to do is type the name in the "To" box of the "Compose Message" window of Outlook Express. Note: If you don't want any of the members to see any of the others in the group, enter the group name (or select it from the Address Book) on the BCC line and leave the "To" line blank. Then the only thing the recipients will see is TO: "Undisclosed Recipient" and their own name and email address. They won't see the others you've sent the email to. Top of page | Close This Window Copyright ©2005 by Cloudeight Internet, LLC |
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