Cloudeight Information Avenue Tutorial

Picture This! Changing Folder Views on the Fly
(Windows XP Home and Professional Editions )

Picture This! Changing Folder Views on the Fly
(Windows XP Home and Professional Editions )

How many times have you wanted to insert a picture in an email, or Web page or Word document  you were working on and when you click "Insert Picture" or "Insert Image" you're invited to "browse" for the picture. Normally, when you browse in this mode, the folder you browse to will open, and all the files in that folder are displayed as icons. So, use this tip and you'll see thumbnails of all pictures in that folder, then you can insert the picture you want into your email or document without guessing which one is the one you want.

1. When you choose to insert a picture in an email message or other document a window like the one below appears. As you can see all images are displayed as icons.

sig1.gif (23278 bytes)

2. The arrow in the image below points to the Folder View selector button.
Click the down-arrow on the right edge of the button to display the Options Menu.

sig2.gif (31931 bytes)

3. When you click the down-arrow on the Folder View button, a drop-down
menu appears. Select "Thumbnails" from this menu.

sig3.gif (34281 bytes)

4. As you can see, the icons are now displayed as Thumbnails so you
can easily choose the picture you want to insert in your email or document.
Now you don't have to guess at the picture you want to insert!

sig4.gif (30906 bytes)

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