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We recently received an email from a young artist's mom. This young girl lives in the United Kingdom and was so touched by the events here in America on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, she created a picture on her computer and sent it to us. She calls it:
"Tears Of A Tragedy". Her name is Shelley, she is 15 years old, and lives in Essex, England. She wants to be a cartoonist and work for Disney when she finishes her education. Please click the small image below to see a Shelley's "Tears Of A Tragedy" full size.


Tears Of A Tragedy by Shelley from Essex, England

CloudEight would like to thank Shelley for sharing her artwork with us and we want to wish her the very best of luck in her career. Shelley, when you make it big, don't forget CloudEight!

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