What's That?

This is "What's That?"based on a painting by Mia Lane. Cloudeight Internet Designs has used "What'sThat?" with Mia Lane's permission as part of their "Man's Best Friend"collection. Please visit Mia Lane's virtual gallery www.mialane.on.ca "What'sthat in the ripple?"

"'What's that in theripple?' This curious Golden Retriever must investigate! The dog is normallyengaged in continuous running, jumping, fetching and playing while exploring his naturalsurroundings. "The abstract shape of the water puddles, theunusual angle of the dog, the colour, balance and design of the piece, as well as thesubject," Mia explained, "were the inspirations forme to paint this scene."


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Stationery creation copyright Cloudeight; based on apainting by artist Mia Lane, called "What's That in the Ripple"  and usedwith her permission. For more information on Mia Lane see her biography.