His Highness
This is "His Highness" fromCloudEights' "Wildlife II" Collection. Your email will look just like this whenyou use in your Outlook Express/Outlook email program and follow the simple instructionson our help page.All stationery has preset margins and text color.
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The original painting "HisHighness" used for this stationery is based on artwork by our featured artist LindaRossin and used with her permission. You can view more of her artwork by clicking here!
You may use your browser's back button to return to the CloudEight "Wildlife II"home page.
"HisHighness" stationery is copyright (c)2000 by CloudEight Stationery. This stationery isbased on a painting by Linda Rossin. This painting is copyright (c)Linda Rossin, and usedwith her written permission.