A Special Christmas Message from Eightball & Thundercloud
We wish we could personally thank each and every one of you who havehelped to make our site so very popular. Each oneof you, who has taken the time to visit our site, to join our mail list, or told yourfriends about us, deserves the credit for making Cloudeight Stationery the most popularsite of its kind on the World Wide Web.
Our success brings with it an obligation: The obligation to not onlyprovide you with free stationery, screen savers, WonderScreens, QuickNotes, Funletters, InfoAve newsletters andAcpressions, but to continue to provide only the very highest quality freeware, that iseasy and fun to use.
Our software is and will always be safe for you and your family to use. We don't install adware, spyware, malware, or search engine manipulators. Unlike certain email programs which boast smileys and stationery, we do not track or gather data from you in any way. Our commitment is to your safety and privacy. By providing you with the highest quality email stationery, that is always safe, easy and fun to use, we know that you'll continue to come back to visit often and that you'll tell your friends about us. There is no better gift we could ever receive than the gift of your trust. We will always strive to deserve it.
At this special time of year, when you have filled our hearts with joywith all your wonderful emails and comments, we'd like to tell you how very much it meansto us and how much it is appreciated.
Take time this Christmas Season to help those less fortunate than you ;to share your blessings with others, and, most of all, to share your love.
May you have the brightest and most blessed Christmas ever!
Happy Holidays,
Eightball & Thundercloud
Cloudeight Internet