Cloudie Greeting
QuickNotes 41
CloudEight Stationery
Based on Original Art by Dennis Cox
This stationery features art by Dennis Cox the official illustrator forCloudEight Stationery. Please visit Dennis on the Web at
Stationery Design is copyright � 2001 by CloudEight Stationery.Original art upon which this design is based is copyright � 2001 by Dennis Cox.// No rightclick script// (c) 1998 barts1000// barts1000@aol.comfunction click() {if (event.button==2) {alert('You must install using the exe file; you cannot right click and save this picture! Please click where it says "Download". If downloaded and used correctly your stationery will have preset margins and text color, and it will be scrolling and playing music!')}}document.onmousedown=click
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