This featured Holiday Screen Saver is presented to you free from 3rd party advertising and pop-up windows. We want to thank all of those who have supported our site by purchasing one of our products like Smileycons, FolderMagic, CalendarPal or Email Guardian.
Our "Pumpkins" screen saver is a little different from our regular screen savers. It doesn't include music and it uses Flash to create the motion. It makes a really fun Holiday Screen Saver, it's sure to grab everyone's attention. You can see a small preview of it above. The actual screen saver will resize to fill any size screen.
After Halloween is over you can easily uninstall this screen saver by going to Control Panel, Add/Remove Program. It's listed as "Halloween Pumpkins".
This screen saver was created for you! It's our way of saying thanks to all of you. We hope you enjoy using this special holiday screen saver.

Thanks again for your support!