Information Avenue Tutorial - Reading EmailHeaders (Source Code)
Sometimes, when you receive a mysterious email, you'dreally like to know what's in it, who it really came from, and more information about it.But, you don't want to expose yourself to spam trackers, viruses, worms, and other creepystuff. In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to have your cake and eat it too, soto speak :) Using this method, you'll be able to safely read the entire headers (to findout who really sent the email to you) and also read the entire email text, all withoutopening the email itself. It's pretty cool stuff..so follow along with our interactivetutorial, and you'll be an email sleuth in no time at all!
Open your Outlook Express e-Mail Program and then clickon the letter that you want to check the source code of; it will highlight in blue. Nowright mouse click (See Step I Below).
When you see the dropdown menu appear, click where itsays "Properties" (Step 2 Below)
This is a hands on tutorial, so go ahead and click"Properties" to get to the next step.