Premium Screensavers Help & Support

Please fill out the form below to submit your support question.  If your screensaver does not come on automatically, it is a setting on your computer that you will have to troubleshoot. Our FAQ page covers this in detail. We cannot give further support on this as it is user configuration.

NOTE: When you purchased your screensaver you were advised to back up the screensaver file on a CD, Flash Drive or other removable media for safe keeping as we cannot replace lost downloads. Please do not use this form to request lost files; we offer a USB Flash Drive with all 10 Screensavers at a discount.

Your Email

Your Name

What do you have a Question About?

What Windows Version are you using?

What Antivirus or Security Programs are you using?

Type in the exact problem you are having. We cannot replace lost downloads if you failed to back it up so do not request replacements! We do offer a USB with all 10 Screensavers at a discount so you may want to purchase the USB!

Have you referenced our Help and FAQ Page? You must type yes in the space to submit your question

Thank you very much for submitting this information to us. Please be assured that all information you submit is confidential and will be kept completely private. No information submitted will be sold, shared, or given to any 3rd party. This information is for our own internal use only.

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