It is our pleasure to present to you another collection of CloudEight Stationery Quicknotes featuring the artwork of Anastasia. Anastasia displays the extraordinary ability to capture in oil the luminescence and exquisite beauty of her favorite flowers - roses and irises. Cloudeight is the exclusive stationery creator for Anastasia and we are very honored to work with her. You can visit Anastasia's online gallery by clicking here!
You can preview this collection below; it is available as full collection in advanced or standard version. Let's welcome Spring with the wonderful floral art of Anastasia! All stationery in this set have the common prefix qn25 for ease in locating in your downloaded stationery choices.
Click Here to Download Quicknotes 25 Collection
(common prefix "qn25")

Anastasia has been featured in other collections (Members Note: If you navigate away from this page you will no longer be on the members only page so you will have to return to members page to continue viewing and downloading members selections!)
Anastasia: Musical Stationery Collection
Spring: Featuring the Art of Anastasia
Allusions: Artistic Variety Stationery Collection
Anastasia Screensaver and Preview
New Floral Art Screensaver by Anastasia