Dog Daze
QuickNotes 36 "Shapes"
Featuring original art by our official illustrator Dennis Cox
CloudEight Stationery
September 2001

We'd like to express our sincere appreciation to our official CloudEightillustrator, Dennis Cox, for drawingthis special "Dog Days" Illustration for us. Please take this opportunity tovisit Dennis on the Web at please sign his fast-growing guest book too!

If you're new to our stationery or to computers please have fun with ourstuff but remember to see our help page first so that you'll have more fun when you useour stationery correctly from the start! You can visit our help page without losing yourplace by clicking here.

This stationery design is copyright © 2001 by CloudEight Stationery.This stationery design is based on original art by Dennis Cox entitled "DogDays" and is copyright © by DennisCox and used by CloudEight by exclusive written agreement.

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