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Welcome to CloudEight Stationery's QuickNotes 58 "Linen: Plain and Simple" home page. We've had so many requests to do simple set of QuickNotes we decided to make "Linen: Plain and Simple" for you. QuickNotes are easy-to-send, non-scrolling, non-musical stationery that you can send to almost anyone. They work in Outlook Express and Outlook. In order to have preset margins and contrasting font colors you must use QuickNotes according to the same directions that apply to our regular stationery. Click here to find out more about Quicknotes; includes tips on renaming for ease in finding what you want!
Listed below are the titles of each QuickNotes stationery selection. Please click the title to see an actual preview of what the selection will look like in your email. Each stationery in this set has the common prefix qn58 for ease in locating in your downloaded stationery choices.
Please click here to download QuickNotes 58 "Linen: Plain and Simple" for Outlook Express
(Advanced Version for Outlook Express users only.)
Please click here to download QuickNotes 58 "Linen: Plain and Simple" for Outlook or Outlook Express
(Standard Version)
CloudEight is committed to providing you the very highest quality free stationery, screen savers, QuickNotes, WonderScreens, and desktop wallpaper. In order to keep our site free, we need your support. CloudEight is financially supported by advertisers, sales of our CDs, and your generous donations. If you enjoy our site, and would like to see us continue to grow please consider helping us by ordering one of our CloudEight CDs or making a small donation. Thanks !

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