These Bears are cookin' as you can see ! Our thanks to Anastasia for allowing us to use her paintingentitled "Ginger Bear Cookies" as a basis for our "Cookin"stationery. You can be sending email messages that look just like this demo in just a fewminutes if you follow the instructions on our help page and use"Cookin" in your Outlook/Outlook Express email program.
Please click the small image to download
"Cookin" from our Anastasia Collection
Please accept Anastasia's invitation to visit her beautiful online gallery by clicking right here.
The beary fastest way back to our Anastasia collection home page is your browser's backbutton!
The painting "Ginger Bear Cookies" on which thisstationery was based is
copyright �2000 by Anastasia and is used withpermission.
"Cookin' " Stationery design is copyright �2000 by CloudEight Stationery.