"Paper Boat"
"Paper Boat" is based on a painting entitled "My Boat" by Anastasia.
Please click the image to download "Paper Boat"stationery.
The following lyrics are from a song by Thundercloud and his friend David Erney, writtenwhen they were both in their teens. (This text will not appear in your stationery).
"Paper Boat" (the song lyrics)
A little boy on a summer day
Watching a paper boat floating away;
Knowing it must get to the little girl who waits
Patiently, for the thought that he wrote,
On his paper boat.
A little girl on a summer day
Watching a paper boat floating her way.
As it comes closer she can see on the sail
Three small words she knows the little boy wrote
On his paper boat.
The day was cloudy and summer-warm
But in the eastern sky, there grew a storm.
A cloudy sky on a summer day
Darkens and carries the tiny paper boat away.
A little girl standing with tears in her eyes...
She'll never know just what the little boy wrote
On his paper boat.
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The painting "My Boat" is copyright �2000by Anastasia.
"Paper Boat" stationery design is copyright �2000 by CloudEight Stationery
"Paper Boat" (song) words and music by David Erney and Thundercloud
The song Paper Boat is not available as a midi and was never recorded. George Martin ifyou see this email us !