Artists Get The Recognition they Deserve!
Thank you for taking time to visit our Artists' Information page. Some of our most successful collections are those based on the work of talented artists such as Brenda Hoddinott, Peter R. Gerbert, Randy McGovern, Anastasia, Penny Parker, Tom Sierak, Larry Chandler, Griselda, Peter Gerasimon. Paula Vaughan, Jim Warren, Denton Lund, Michael Cox, Danny Hahlbohm, Dennis Cox, William Whitaker, Bob Byerly, John Zed King, and many, many others. To see how we feature artists please click on the artist's name (Internet Explorer only please! ).
We think it's a great way for artists to introduce their work to a whole new audience! What we give back to the artist is exposure. Cloudeight Stationery welcomed nearly 9 million unique visitors this past year, and generated over 20,000,000 page views* per month. Our site continues to grow rapidly as more and more people discover it and as we add new features and content. Our site is listed at the top of most major search engines.
As of Augustl 2004 we have over 355,000 opt-in subscribers on our mail lists. This means that when we release a stationery collection featuring your work your art is exposed to a wide audience and we will send a great many new visitors to your online gallery. Our professionalism and traffic we can generate for your site is unrivaled anywhere. But, don't take our word for it! Feel free to contact any of the artists we have featured.
What we offer you is exposure in return for your permission to use your artwork in our Stationery designs, Screen Savers, QuickNotes Stationery, Acpressions, and WonderScreens. We never charge for downloads of our stationery or other creations; it is given freely to the public for personal use and entertainment. We have received many thousands of emails from all over the world telling us how our stationery and our site has brightened someone's day. We're not an art gallery, we're a fun place for people to come. We don't sell your artwork. We drive traffic to your site. And the pages featuring your work remain on our site day after day, continually driving new traffic your way. We may include you on our CDROM which many of our international customers obtain, as they are on hourly connections.
All the artists that we've worked with enjoy tremendously increased traffic as a direct result of being featured on our site. All the artists featured on our web site are given links back to their sites as well as complete copyright information. All artists we feature are included in our Newsletter announcing the collection in which the artwork is featured. We also may include stationery collections, screen savers, Funletters, QuickNotes, Wallpaper, or Acpressions, featuring your work on CD-ROM.
Please feel free to contact any of the artists we have featured in our collections. The links are listed on every page on which their art appears. We're sure you'll be impressed with the response they have received from their Cloudeight feature.
For more information, or to submit your site or work for our review, please fill out the short form below and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please remember all fields in the form below must be filled out! Thank you.