Wishing you a Blessed Chirstmas, from Thundercloud & Eightball

Cloudeight Super CD-ROM 2007 - Christmas Edition

Download Links and Instructions for "A Blessed Christmas"

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Thank you for downloading, using and sharing Cloudeight Email Stationery for Christmas! You are at the download location for "A Blessed Christmas".

If you need help using our stationery, please visit our award-winning and often-imitated Help Page. Also, for more information and answers to frequently asked questions, see our FAQ page.  Each stationery selection in this collection has the prefix "christmas3" for your convenience in locating selections from this collection in your default stationery directory.

Please download the correct version of our stationery for your particular operating system. Windows Vista/Windows Mail users must download our Windows Vista / Windows Mail version (listed below).

Download "A Blessed Christmas" For Outlook Express
Only for Outlook Express on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, and Windows XP

Download "A Blessed Christmas" For Windows Vista - Windows Mail
Only for Microsoft Windows Mail running on all versions of Windows Vista

Download "A Blessed Christmas" For Microsoft Outlook
For Microsoft Outlook '98, 2000, 2003(XP) and Outlook Express on Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP

We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

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Be a bearer of the Torch of Christmas and hold it high for all to see. Only you can keep the Torch burning. Do it for yourself, do it for your children and do it for their children. Future generations depend on all of us who hold Christmas dear to keep Christmas alive. Christmas will never die as long as we keep Christmas in our hearts and never let the Torch of Christmas grow dark. Over two thousand years ago, the Star of Bethlehem shone brightly for all the world to see; let the Spirit of Christmas within you burn just as brightly - and let all the world see.

This Christmas make the first gift you give the very best one: Give the greatest gift of all; give the gift of love.

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