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This is no longer available; correspondence below explains the reason the artist is no longer allowing his art to be used in email stationery:

We wish them success selling their art as gifs for tubes and other graphic ideas! If you have enjoyed the art of JW and Sandi Baker, we hope you will consider a purchase through their site for use of their art for your projects. Direct link to CILM  is: 

Why not take a moment right now and visit the Baker's Web site and online gallery and take a look at all their fantastic art! We would appreciate it very much and so would the artists.




Letter to Cloudeight:

There is something I'd like to relay that I think you might be interested to know - perhaps you're aware of it already but it was quite shocking to me... As I mentioned I've been a bit off my routine because I usually check our web stats every week at the beginning of the week but I missed last week all together. When I finally checked yesterday I had to do a double-take - what I was seeing couldn't be rights - our stats for last week were over 100,000 hits for just that week with a major spike of 63,313 on just one day! It took me a while to figure out how that could be possible but I believe August 30th was the day you introduced the "Wolf Song" Collection of Stationary - it has to be the reason. Were you aware this would happen.?


(yes, we were aware :)


Letter to Cloudeight:

 I've been online for 10 years now - since April of 1996. In that time I have been approached by many people asking permission to create stationary, and when someone has been respectful enough to ask I have always granted permission - as such I have seen many translations of the art into email stationary, so I think I have a fair amount of experience for a baseline comparison (that and being an Artist) and I have to say your stationary is by far the best ever!! Both Sandi and I are thoroughly impressed!

I have often thought that I should put a link on our sites (we have two) to make people aware of the stationary but I never have for reasons I know not why but I'm thinking now is the time! Perhaps maybe even go so far as to say we feel your interpretations should be our official stationary that we endorse specifically (do people do that?)

Anyway - given the design and quality you have our permission to use whatever you like to create your stationary where you may or may not find images of interest.

We are extremely impressed not only with the execution but also the considerate and thoughtful presentation with regard to our copyrights as Artists. This is always greatly appreciated!

Thank you for showing this to us and for helping to further the purpose our art which is always about communication - this is that ideal personified!

One Artist to another - Bravo!!


-J W & Sandi Baker

Letter to Cloudeight:
Sandi Baker here. No we haven't forgotten you. We have always been very impressed with your company and your respect of our images and rights. We realize that you have taken a lot of time to create the stationary, and we think that you have always done beautiful work.

When we signed with CILM we were asked to stop giving permissions for the use of our images in situations where the images would compete with CILM. To be perfectly honest we don't know if stationary competes with signature tags and tubes. This is a bit new to us. We will talk with CILM and if they agree that you are in fact not in competition with them then perhaps we can all work together as you suggested. This could be beneficial to all of us.

We are just two working Artists trying to eek out a living in a very tough industry - they don't call us starving Artists for nothing, lol! We try to be fair and just to everyone, and we definitely hope that we may continue working with you. Let us talk with CILM and we will be in touch with you ASAP concerning this matter.

Thank you, Sandi Baker
Letter to Cloudeight:
I have spoken with CILM and after discussing the matter we do not feel it is in the best interest of continuity in support of this new venture that we allow some people free access while others pay - it creates confusion and at this time we are going to err on the side of of this new direction with regard to how we make our art available to the public...

Best regards,

-J W Baker


There you have it folks! We wish them success selling their art as gifs for tubes and other graphic ideas! If you have enjoyed the art of JW and Sandi Baker, we hope you will consider a purchase through their site for use of their art for your projects. Direct link to CILM  is: 

Why not take a moment right now and visit the Baker's Web site and online gallery and take a look at all their fantastic art! We would appreciate it very much and so would the artists.



Welcome to "Believe In Magic - The Art of J.W. and Sandi Baker" stationery collection home page. Thank you for visiting us today. This collection works in Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista! Please be sure to download the correct version for your operating system and email program.

We're pleased that  J.W and Sandi Baker have allowed us to feature them for a second time! We're very honored that they have allowed us to use their art to make this stationery collection. Please support the artists that share their work with us so that we can share it with all of you. By visiting the Baker's online gallery you can show your appreciation for their talent and generosity. 

Why not take a moment right now and visit the Baker's Web site and online gallery and this gallery which contains the original artwork from which this stationery collection was created. Also, both original art and various prints are available at Wolfsong eBay store; you can visit by clicking here

Listed below are ten titles - each of the selections from this stationery collection. You may click on each title to see a full preview of each stationery design and you may download each individual selection from its preview page. Individual files cannot be used in Windows Vista. If you're using Windows Vista, please download the collection created especially for Windows Mail/Windows Vista.

You may also download the entire collection in one file, for Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mail (Windows Vista) from the links further down on this page. If you need help using our stationery, please visit our award-winning and often-imitated Help Page. Each stationery selection in this collection has the prefix "believe" for your convenience in locating selections from this collection in your default stationery directory.

Believe In Magic - The Art of J.W. and Sandi Baker
A Cloudeight Stationery Collection


This collection is available for Outlook Express, Outlook, and Windows Mail (Windows Vista)

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Stationery |  FunlettersQuickNotesWallpaper | Screen Savers WonderScreens

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We want to thank all of you for making Cloudeight Stationery the Web's most popular site for email stationery. Cloudeight is now more popular than all the other stationery sites combined - and we thank you so much for making us number one! All stationery designs are  All artwork used in this collection is copyright  © by J.W. and Sandi Baker (all rights reserved). J. W. Baker and Sandi Baker's artwork is used with written permission of the artists.