Moonlit Romance
CloudEight Stationery
Enchantment: The Art of Jim Warren
Release date: October 2000
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CloudEight Stationery would like to express our appreciation to JimWarren for allowing us to use his painting "Moonlit Romance" in the creation ofthis stationery design. You're invited to visit his magnificent on-line gallery by clickinghere.
Pleaseclick on the small image to download this selection
From CloudEight Stationery's "Enchantment: The Art
Of Jim Warren" stationery collection.
Please use your browser's back button to return to "Enchantment: The Art of JimWarren" collection home page.
This stationery design is based on a painting by Jim Warren entitled "MoonlitRomance" �1999-2000 by JimWarren and used with the artist's permission. This stationery design is copyright�2000 by CloudEight Stationery.