Christmas Glimmer Email Stationery Collection
"Waiting His Turn" (Art by Tom Sierak)

We hope you will enjoy this beautiful Christmas selection to send to your friends andloved ones this holiday season.  We invite you all to visit the artist, Tom Sierak,online by Clicking Here. 

Tom is offering Cloudeightvisitors a 10% discount on any art or print purchases from his online gallery. Just mention the "Cloudeight10% discount" when ordering!

click-lite.gif (2478 bytes)Click to Download thisselection. It will have the common prefix "christmas7" for ease in findingin your downloaded stationery files. Our FAQ page has many nice tips in addition to answering your most commonquestions. For help on how to uninstall stationery after the holiday season, visit our FAQ page.


Tom Sierak  has been featured in other collections, including "The Art of Tom SierakCollection" and  Potpourri II

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This stationery design is copyright � 2001-2002 byCloudEight Internet Designs. This design based on original art by Tom Sierak and used withwritten permission.