"Spirits of Hawkquest"
From CloudEight's:
"Spinner of Dream: The Art of Denton Lund"
Created January 2002
Based on Original Art by Denton Lund
Midi Music is by Anastasia

The original oil painting, Spirits of HawkQuest, was donated to The HawkQuest Foundation inAurora, Colorado. The HawkQuest Foundation is a non-profit organization that saves woundedbirds of prey. The raptors that cannot go back into the wild are used to educate peopleabout the nature of these wonderful birds. The birds are taken into schools and to variouspublic events. The birds displayed in the painting were hawks, eagles, and owls that hadbeen saved by HawkQuest. From the original oil painting, HawkQuest published posters,notecards, and shirts for generating funds for their work.

Please visit Denton Lund's onlinegallery which includes a variety of Wildlife, Western, Visionery and Native AmericanArt. You are invited to tour his gallery and make online purchases of his art too!

Click hereto download this individual selection from "Spinner of Dreams." Allselections in this collection have the common prefix "Spinner" for ease inlocating them in your stationery chioces.


This stationery design is copyright � 2002 by CloudEight Stationery.Original art is copyright � by DentonLund (All Rights Reserved) and is used with written permission. Midi music used inthis collection "Massenet" is by � Anastasia and used with permission.

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