How To use the codes
Place your cursor in the location where you wish to insert the special character.
Activate the numeric key pad on the right of the keyboard by pressing Num
Lock (upper right of keyboard). The Num Lock light on the keyboard will
indicate that the numeric key pad is on.
NOTE: You must use the numeric key pad; if you use the number keys on the top of
the keyboard, the characters will not appear. If you are on a laptop or computer
without a separate numeric keypad you will have to investigate alternative methods for
inserting symbols.
While pressing down the ALT key, type the four-digit code on the numeric
key pad at the right edge of the keyboard. The codes are "case sensitive."
For instance, the code for lower-case á is ALT+0225, but capital Á
is ALT+0193.
NOTE: If you have the International keyboard activated, you will only be able to
input codes with the ALT key on the left side of the keyboard.
Release the ALT key. The character will appear when the ALT key is
NOTE: You must include the initial zero in the code. For example to insert á
(0225) you must type ALT+0225, NOT ALT+225.
÷ | Division sign | 0247 |
° | Degree symbol | 0176 |
¬ | Not symbol | 0172 |
± | Plus/minus | 0177 |
µ | Micro | 0181 |
© | Copyright symbol | 0169 |
® | Registered symbol | 0174 |
| Trademark | 0153 |
| List Dot | 0149 |
§ | Section Symbol | 0167 |
| en-dash | 0150 |
| em-dash | 0151 |
¶ | Paragraph Symbol | 0182 |
¢ | Cent sign | 0162 |
£ | British Pound | 0163 |
| Euro currency | 0128 |
¥ | Japanese Yen | 0165 |
| Dutch Florin | 0131 |
¡ |
Upside-down exclamation mark | 0161 |
¿ | Upside-down question mark | 0191 |
Ç, ç | French C cedilla (caps/lowercase) | 0199 0231 |
, | O-E ligature (caps/lowercase) | 0140 0156 |
, | O-E ligature (caps/lowercase) | 0140 0156 |
ß | German Sharp/Double S | 0223 |
Ø,ø | Nordic O slash (caps/lowercase) | 0216 0248 |
Å,å | Nordic A ring (caps/lowercase), Angstrom sign | 0197 0229 |
Æ, æ | A-E ligature (caps/lowercase) | 0198 0230 |
Þ, þ | Icelandic/Old English Thorn (caps/lowercase) | 0222 0254 |
« » | Spanish/French quotation marks | 0187 0171 |
There are many other symbols that can be created with the numeric keypad. These are some of the more popular ones.
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