Terms A-B-C - Computer Terms L through P
Computer Terms G -
K -
Computer Terms Q through Z
Computer Terms D E
DHCP -- (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHCP is a protocol by which a machine can obtain an IP number (and other
network configuration information) from a server on the local network.
DHTML -- (Dynamic Hypertext
Markup Language)
DHTML refers to web pages that use a combination of HTML, JavaScript, and
CSS to create features such as letting the user drag items around on the web
page, some simple kinds of animation, and many more.
DNS -- (Domain Name System)
The Domain Name System is the system that translates Internet domain names
into IP numbers. A "DNS Server" is a server that performs IP translation.
Domain Name
The unique name that identifies an Internet site. Domain Names always have 2
or more parts, separated by dots. The part on the left is the most specific,
and the part on the right is the most general. A given machine may have more
than one Domain Name but a given Domain Name points to only one machine. For
example, the domain names:
All point to the same machine (server).
Transferring data (usually a file) from one computer to another.
DSL -- (Digital Subscriber Line)
A method for moving data over regular phone lines. A DSL circuit is much
faster than a regular phone connection, and the wires coming into the
subscriber's premises are the same (copper) wires used for regular phone
service. A common configuration of DSL allows downloads at speeds of up to
1.544 megabits per second, and uploads at speeds of 128 kilobits per second.
This arrangement is called ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. ADSL is
the most common form of DSL.
Email -- (Electronic Mail)
Messages containing text and sometimes graphics and attachments, sent
from one person to another via computer. E-mail can also be sent
automatically to a large number of addresses (mass mailings, announcements,
A very common method of networking computers in a LAN (Local Area
Connection). There is more than one type of Ethernet. The standard type
is"100-BaseT" which can handle up to about 100,000,000 bits-per-second and
can be used with almost any kind of computer.
An intranet (closed network) that is accessible to computers that are
not physically part of a company's' own private network, but that is not
accessible to the general public, for example to allow vendors and business
partners to access a company web site. Often an intranet will make use of a
Virtual Private Network. (VPN.)
FAQ -- (Frequently Asked Questions)
FAQ are documents that list and answer the most frequently asked
questions on a particular subject. FAQ are usually written by people
who have grown tired of answering the same questions over and over :-)
Software, hardware or a combination of hardware and software that separates
a Network into two or more parts and isolates a machine or machines from the
WAN (Wide Area Network) for security purposes.
Flame has refers to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or
crude. Used a a verb - To "Flame" someone or a group of people, means to
sent or post denigrating comments. A "Flame War" is usually a war of nasty
comments sent back and forth between two (or more) people. Normally, a waste
of time and not useful.
FTP -- (File Transfer Protocol)
A very common method of moving files between two Internet sites. FTP is a
way to login to another Internet site for the purposes of retrieving and/or
sending files. There are many Internet sites that have established
repositories of material that can be obtained using FTP, by logging in using
the account name "anonymous", thus these sites are called "anonymous ftp
servers". FTP was invented and in general use long before the advent of the
World Wide Web and originally was always used from a text-only interface.
Terms A-B-C - Computer Terms L through P
Computer Terms G -
K -
Computer Terms Q through Z

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