Computer Terms
A-B-C - Computer Terms D-E-F
Computer Terms G- K
- Computer Terms Q
- Z
Computer Terms L through P
LAN -- Local Area Network - Usually a small network limited to a single
building or rooms in close proximity. A home network is a good example of a LAN.
-A open source operating system similar to Unix. Gaining popularity, Linux comes in many
"Distributions" - some with Windows-like graphical user interfaces.. Linux was
first released by inventor Linus Torvalds in 1991.
Login - An account name used to gain access to a computer system.
Usually used with a password to gain access to protected a account. (As a verb login means
the act of logging on to a computer system - i.e. entering a password/username
Maillist - Mailing List - A database stored for the purpose of sending
email to a group of people (like this newsletter). The List Manager can send one copy of a
newsletter to several or thousands of recipients.
Megabyte - Gernally One Million Bytes. Technically 1024 Kilobytes
Meta Tag - An HTML tag that contains information in the "head"
of a Web page which is not normally seen by the viewer. Meta tags contan information
about the page itself and are generally inserted in an HTML document to be read by search
engines to help search engines categorize a Web page.
MIME -- (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
An old standard for defining the types of files attached to standard Internet mail
messages. Now the old MIME standard has come to be used in many situations where one
computer program needs to communicate with another program about what kind of file is
being sent.
For example, HTML (HTML/Text, JPEG/Image) etc
Mirror - Usually "to mirror' means to maintain an exact copy of
something (mirror image).
The most common use of the term on the Internet is probably "mirror sites" which
store an exact copy of files (usually downloadable) in case the main server goes down or
becomes busy. That way people can still access the files from the "mirror site".
Modem -- Normally a device that connects a computer to a phone line.
However there are now Cable Modems which connect a computer to a Cable line too. A
"modem" allows the computer to communicate with the phone line, cable etc.
Mosaic - The very first browser (upon which Internet Explorer, Firefox,
and all other browsers are based). Mosaic was developed at the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, in
Illinois, USA. The first version was released in late 1993. If you look at Internet
Explorer's "Help/About" you'll still see a reference to NCSA - University of
Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Netscape was the first successful browser based on
Netizen - From the words "Internet and Citizen" this means a
citizen of the Internet. Rarely used these days. It implies a sense of civic
Network -When you connect 2 or more computers together so that they can
share resources, you have a computer network.
NIC -- (Network Information Center) Any office that handles information
for a network. The most famous of these on the Internet was the InterNIC, which used to
control domain name registration until it was decentralized a few years ago. NIC can also
mean "Network Interface card", which is the card in a computer that a network
cable plugs into.
Node - Any single computer connected to a network.
Open Source Software (Open Source) - Open Source Software is software
where the programming code is available to everyon who is interested so that they
may read it, make changes to it, and build new versions of the software with their
changes. Most programs which are open soruce are normally "freeware" however one
must still abide by the license agreement (the same as with any other software)..
Password - A word, numbers, letters, set of characters, or a combination
of these used to gain access (login) to a restricted (password-protected) system. Good
passwords contain letters and numbers (or characters if allowed) and are not simple
combinations such as thundercloud8. A good password might be: 7e54u43t8
PDF (Portable Document Format) - A file format designed to enable
printing and viewing of documents with all their formatting (typefaces, images, layout,
etc.) appearing the same regardless of what operating system is used. A PDF document looks
the same on Windows, Macintosh, Linux etc. PDF was developed by the Adobe Corporation.
Permalink- A "permanent link" to a particular posting in a
blog. A permalink is a URL that points to a specific blog posting, and not to the page in
which the posting originally occured.
Ping - A packet of data sent to a sever to see if it is running which is
then bounced back by the server to the sender. The time this round-trip takes can tell how
"fast" the connection to the server is. The term Ping probably comes from the
sound that sonar makes in submarines and ships (or at least submarines and ships in
movies) .
Plug-in - A (usually) small software program that adds features or
functionality to another program. Examples of plugins - The Macromedia Flash Plugin for
Internet Explorer which enables users to see "Flash" animations. Plugins are
also used in graphics programs like Photoshop (Adobe), PaintShop Pro (Jasc/Corel) and
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) - PNG is a graphics format designed
especially for use on the Web. PNGs enable compression of images without any loss of
quality, including high-resolution images. PNGs also offer transparcency like that found
in GIFs but with no licensing fee required. PNG is becoming much more common these days
because all major browsers now support PNG.
Podcasting - A form of audio broadcasting using the Internet, Podcasting
takes its name from a combination of "iPod" and broadcasting but podcasting does
not actually require the use of an iPod. Podcasting involves making one or more audio
files available as "enclosures" in an RSS(Really Simple Syndication) feed. The
list can then be obtained by other people using various podcast software which retreives
and reads the feed and then makes the audio files available to digital audio devices
(including iPods). Then people can listen to any of the available "Podcasts" at
their convenience.
POP (Post Office Protocol) Normally POP3 -Post Office Protocol refers
to a way that e-mail client software like Outlook Express retrieves email from a mail
server. POP3 is the still, by far, the most common email protocol on the Internet but it
is slowly being replaced by IMAP.
Port - Port has several meanings but generally a port is a place where
information goes into or out of a computer (or both). A USB port where a printer is
connected is a good example of a port where information is sent in both directions.
Portal - A Web site that is or is intended to be the first place people
see (start page or home page) when using the Web. A Portal site may also offer search,
news, weather, sports, email and other services to encourage people to use that site as
their main entry point (hence the term "Portal) to the Web.
Protocol - On the Internet "protocol" refers to a set
of rules that define an exact format for communication between systems. For example the
HTTP protocol defines the format for communication between web browsers and web servers
and the POP protocol defines the format for communication between POP3 email servers and
clients. There are many protocols on the Internet (SSL, TC/IP, FTP, IMAP, etc).
Proxy Server - A Proxy Server lies in between a Client and the "real"
Server . Using a Proxy Server to connect to a Web site, for example, means you are
connecting through the Proxy Server to the Web site instead of directly from your machine
to the Web site. Depending on the type of proxy, this offers you greater anonymity than
connecting directly to the Web site. In some cases the IP address displayed to the Web
server will be that of the Proxy Server and not your real IP address.
Computer Terms
A-B-C - Computer Terms D-E-F
Computer Terms G- K
- Computer Terms Q
- Z

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