CloudEight's Information Avenue Newsletter,   Issue #33,  Friday  September 13, 2002

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Read past issues of Information Avenue by clicking here.

Dear Friends,

Thanks to all of you for subscribing to Cloudeight's Information Avenue. If you know of anyone who would benefit from a free subscription to Information Avenue please click here. We're introducing a new feature tonight called "Back To Basics" which is geared to brand new users. We hope the computer "newbies" among you will find it helpful.

We'd also like ask you to participate in our Cloudeight online survey. We are trying to improve our site and services and we need some updated information about our site visitors. Your privacy is guaranteed and we promise you the information is only used for our own internal purposes. If you'd like to participate please click here.  It only takes a few seconds to complete and you'll automatically be entered in a weekly drawing for a free Cloudeight Screen Saver CD!

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Please Check Out NEW Value Priced Screen Saver CD

Dozens of beautiful, new, Cloudeight Screen Savers not available from our web site.
This is a truly GREAT screen saver package and a great way to support Cloudeight too!

Our newest CD, just released, contains dozens of never-before-seen, Cloudeight screen savers which are not available for download from our Web site. Plus for a limited time we're offering it to you at value price. It's only $10.95. Get a great screen saver CD packed with dozens of beautiful Cloudeight screens savers and help Cloudeight stay online and free for everyone! Click here for more information.

Value priced, dozens of never-before-seen cloudeight screen savers. Help us,..and get a great deal. Click Here.

Outlook Express Answer For Carol

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Carol's Question: 
In reference to Mary's question (Aug.23) re: printing a selection of text on a screen, my "Selection" button in my Print program is "grayed" out & I cannot use it .... any other way I can print only a section of text?

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Print Selection option will not work in Notepad, but it should work when trying to print a selection from email, newsletters, web pages or MSWord documents. If "print selection" option is still grayed out, try a reboot. If this does not help, check for updated drivers for your printer. Go to the Web site of the printer manufacturer for updates; this is especially important if you are using WinXP. We have tested it on many printers, from low end Lexmarks, to high end Hewlett Packards, and not had any problems, but there certainly is a chance your printer does not support this feature. As a last resort, copy and paste the text you want to print into note pad and print.

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Recently one of our favorite software download sites just closed down. DaveCentral had been one of the sites on the Web we used to visit nearly everyday. Now it's gone and we'll miss it. The Web is changing, over 1500 free sites like ours have closed in the past 18 months. The Web is turning into a commercial enterprise with more and more sites turning into subscription based sites or fee-based sites. We are feeling the pinch of lower advertising rates as well. We're asking for your help, in a very small way: If each of you would simply put $1.00 in an envelope and send it to us, we could pay our server costs for an entire year, and completely eliminate the 3rd-party banner advertising on our site for one year. Please click here to learn more about our Banner Free by 2003 campaign and see how far $1.00 can go!

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Visit our Partner site, Unbeatable Deals for hundreds of full versioned free software titles to choose from! Pay only a shipping/handling cost of $6.99 per CD-ROM in US. Also shipping to Canada/Mexico.

Satisfy Your Creativity:

Animated Email
T-Shirt Maker
Calendar Creator v7
Greeting Card Maker
Canon Photography Workshop

Improve Your Home Beautifully:

Home Depot’s Home Improvement 1-2-3
3D Home Interiors
Landscape Design 3D
3D Home Garden Designer

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Today's Question:
What is difference between a folder and a directory?

Back To Basics Answer:
There is no difference. The terms are used interchangeably. A folder can have many directories and a directory can have many folders.

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We've received many questions concerning what happens when you delete files. When you delete files on any Windows computer they are not really gone. To simplify: When you delete a file, Windows shows the space occupied by the file as available and usable. There are many software programs which can recover deleted files and even recover data from formatted hard drives .If have sensitive data on your computer (bank records, financial data, pictures, etc. ) and you delete them they're really not gone and can be recovered. If you want to completely remove deleted files,  your temporary files, paging files, temporary Internet Files, and all other types of personal data and files, we've found a great program we'd like to recommend to you. It's called CyberScrub. We've tested it and found it to be as advertised. It's simple to install and use. For more information about CyberScrub, please click here.

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Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP-1) is available from Microsoft's Windows Update Site. This is an extremely critical update and one that anyone who uses Windows XP should not delay installing. Among other things it closes a serious security hole that could allow an unscrupulous Web site to erase files on your computer. It is a huge download that will take quite sometime for those of you using dial-up connections to complete. But one that is essential. ZDNet has a rather extensive review with details if you'd like to read more about Windows XP SP-1. Please visit to download Windows XP SP-1.

Want To Be Our Corporate Sponsor?

We are looking for a corporate sponsor to help us pay our increasing costs. If you own a successful business and have a product or service with worldwide appeal, we'd like to hear from you. We can offer you worldwide exposure at a very reasonable cost. Newsletter advertising opportunities are also available. Please visit for more information.

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Dianna's Question: Recently purchased a digital camera so I could send pictures to friends but the pictures I send are HUGE...and take a long time to send (by email). What can I do to make them normal size? Dianna

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If you're using Windows XP you can make your pictures smaller and send them via email, quickly and easily! Click here to see Web Tutorial.

More great tips and tricks are coming your way next week. If you have a question you'd like us to answer please send them to: . Please remember that while we'd like to answer each of you personally, it's simply not humanly possible. We try to focus on those questions which are asked most often and those which we feel would be helpful to the greatest number of users.

Should you have questions about CloudEight Stationery, please send them to .

If you have friends who may be interested in this newsletter please forward it to them! And if you have a friend you think would like to receive our Information Avenue newsletter please click here and give us your friend's first name and correct email address. We'll be glad to add them for you! And if you just want to tell a friend or friends about us, you're welcome to use our "recommend us" page at:

Thank you all for subscribing to Cloudeight Information Avenue!

Best wishes,

Eightball & Thundercloud
CloudEight Information Avenue

CloudEight Stationery


Click Here for Free Email Stationery, Screen Savers, WonderScreens, Wallpaper, Acpressions, and QuickNotes!


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