tc8logo2.gif (9355 bytes)

angels.gif (2636 bytes)

These are images which we've created for your enjoyment. You can download them to your hard drive by right-clicking on the image you want to save and selecting "save image as" from the pop-up menu. You can use these images on your web pages or in creating your own christmas cards or decorations. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did making them.

goldline.gif (871 bytes)

angel-f1a.jpg (20662 bytes) angel-f4a.jpg (22848 bytes)
angel-f5.jpg (28089 bytes) angel-f3a.jpg (19788 bytes)
angel-f2.jpg (19144 bytes) angel-f6a.jpg (8588 bytes)


goldline[1].gif (1287 bytes)

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